But the survival of these air-breathing marine life is being threatened by plastics. When they emerge for air, they become caught in plastic debris and drown. Sometimes marine turtles die as a result of eating plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish.
Donations give a huge boost to our work of driving beach cleanups, turtle nest protection, and legally binding agreements to make companies accountable for the plastics they generate.

But the survival of these air-breathing marine life is being threatened by plastics. When they emerge for air, they become caught in plastic debris and drown. Sometimes marine turtles die as a result of eating plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish.
Donations give a huge boost to our work of driving beach cleanups, turtle nest protection, and legally binding agreements to make companies accountable for the plastics they generate.

But the survival of these air-breathing marine life is being threatened by plastics. When they emerge for air, they become caught in plastic debris and drown. Sometimes marine turtles die as a result of eating plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish.
Donations give a huge boost to our work of driving beach cleanups, turtle nest protection, and legally binding agreements to make companies accountable for the plastics they generate.

But the survival of these air-breathing marine life is being threatened by plastics. When they emerge for air, they become caught in plastic debris and drown. Sometimes marine turtles die as a result of eating plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish.
Donations give a huge boost to our work of driving beach cleanups, turtle nest protection, and legally binding agreements to make companies accountable for the plastics they generate.